Kontribusi MUI Provinsi Gorontalo terhadap Kemaslahatan Umat pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19


  • Abdur Rahman Adi Saputera Fakultas Syariah, IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo




This research aims to investigate the various dynamics and contributions of the Gorontalo Province MUI in creating the benefit of the people at the beginning of the epidemic of the Covid-19 virus. Comprehensively, this study used the Mix Method, because it consisted of Field Research and applied Library Research in analyzing the secondary data formulation. The research was conducted in Gorontalo Province. The stages of processing and analyzing data by the author were through: Editing, Classification, Verification, Analysis and Conclusion-Verification Withdrawal. The results showed that: 1) At the beginning of the pandemic, which was accompanied by the issued of the Central MUI Fatwa No. 14/2020 in Gorontalo, turned out to be a lot of controversy and conflict 2) Finally, the Gorontalo Province MUI issued Tausyiah Ramadhan to establish the validity and influence of the application of the Central MUI Fatwa, 3) With the Government, the Gorontalo Province MUI invites all the people to increase their sense of solidarity and mutual help, and develop social sensitivity to the surrounding environment and communities affected by the pandemic, then 4) Prepare a number of volunteers who have done for some training and coaching process, to engage in virtual religious assistance for positive patients during isolation at the Hajj Mess or at the Aloe Saboe Hospital, and 5) Become a consultant for people who ask questions about the process of taking care of the covid-19 remains, as well as all things that are inter-correlated with the problems of the people during pandemic.


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How to Cite

Abdur Rahman Adi Saputera. (2022). Kontribusi MUI Provinsi Gorontalo terhadap Kemaslahatan Umat pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Tamaddun Journal of Islamic Studies, 1(1), 49–69. https://doi.org/10.55657/tajis.v1i1.26


