Problems in the Implementation of Decentralization Policies in the Flagship Program "Nafas Cita" in Gorontalo Regency


  • Jurisman Kadji Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo



Decentralization Policy became a new direction marking the dynamics of Government in the regions. The experience of implementing a centralized and authoritarian political-governmental system in practice carries very unfavourable implications for regional developments. This study discusses the implementation of decentralization policies implemented by local governments. One of them is through policies carried out by the Gorontalo regency government in the flagship program "Nafas Cita" in an effort to improve community welfare. The type of research used in this research is qualitative through descriptive methods. With observation techniques, documentation studies and in-depth interviews. The results of the study found that although the implementation had gone well, there were still some problems that caused constraints on program implementation, namely problems Communication between OPDs, Insufficient budgetary resources and human resources who do not understand existing planning, The ability of the Executing Agent to be fragmented due to pressure outside the bureaucratic unit, Social, Political and Economic environment that is not conducive to supporting the implementation of the Program. Researchers concluded that the Government needs to design a clear work plan or procedure, not just limited to procedural coordination. But it is also well spelled out. In terms of resources, the government needs to design and improve economic development that correlates with existing resource allocation problems. Finally, in order for bureaucratic fragmentation not to occur, the Regent as a Political Coach must be neutral, there must be no favouritism and unfair treatment for every Official or Employee, especially regarding the implementation of the Program.


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How to Cite

Jurisman Kadji. (2022). Problems in the Implementation of Decentralization Policies in the Flagship Program "Nafas Cita" in Gorontalo Regency. Tamaddun Journal of Islamic Studies, 1(2), 130–153.


